Maria Nury

Latin America Expansion. Government Relations.

Maria has led or advised multiple blue-chip global companies to successfully enter and thrive in the Latin America region across financial services, energy, insurance and natural resources. As former Secretary of Finance for Medellin, she re-designed all processes, increased revenues and reduced expenses, obtaining the recognition as the best managed city for finances in Latin America.

Maria has successfully assisted companies win multi-billion US dollar Government tenders and most importantly, to successfully execute these agreements across multiple industries and cultures.

Maria has represented many companies in Colombia, among them Ansaldo, Recchi and Federici from Italy, Dragados y Construcciones and Abeima (Abengoa) from Spain, Odebrecht from Brazil, Bijou Mines and Oils and Rayrock Yellowknife from Canada, Merban America’s Corp, Kennecott Corporation (subsidiary of Standard Oil), Imperial Mining and Combined Placer Resources from the USA, Donfang Machinery from China and many others.